Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Sunday!

I got to sleep in this morning which was a treat after waking up early all week for summer school. Last night my Mom and I went to see the play "All Shook Up" at the local Carousel Dinner Theater. It was a comedy about falling in love and the whole think was to Elvis music, it was a lot of fun! My boyfriend Albert and his friends went kneeboarding for the second time, I will be surprised if he can move today :0)

On my list for today is to clean the house and do some laundry. I might paint later, but I'm not sure yet. I started the background the other day for another Birch Tree painting. It is in tones of orange and a golden brown, very pretty. So maybe I'll work on that later, I don't know. That's the great thing about the weekend, it's up to me what I want to do! Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love birch trees! I'm sure the painting will turn out lovely! :)
