Friday, March 5, 2010

Good Morning

Hello everyone! I have been at home this week from work due to the appendectomy I had to have last Saturday :0( I'm starting to feel more "normal" now. The worst part is not getting very good sleep because I am so uncomfortable and I have been having pretty bad shoulder pain from the surgery. Perks of having the surgery, Albert completely cleaned the house, washed the bed sheets, cooked, and was my personal assistant for a few days...I could get used to that!

I had to take a small break from my painting, but got to resume a couple of days ago. I finished these three portraits of lost pets from a very sweet customer I met on Etsy. I have met so many nice people on Etsy! I sometimes wish I could meet more of them in person! I have a couple more pet portraits I am going to be working on today to get done this weekend and then I will be taking a small break until next weekend which also happens to be my birthday!!!

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